Resources for Students
Interested in marketing as a career path? First and foremost, we encourage you to watch this video to give you an overview of what careers in marketing can look like. We also share some advice about easy "first steps" for getting started in the industry.
Job Shadowing
At Marketing Maven, we offer a job shadowing program that allows high school and college students to experience a day in the life of a marketing professional! There is truly no substitute for real-world experience when pursuing any career, especially in an industry like ours where there is a wide range of specialties to choose between. Job shadowing can be a great way to see if you like the idea of career in marketing as much as you think you will. It's also a great way to ask us questions about how things really work and how to advance your career.
Most students job shadow for a single weekday, but depending on the student's experience or interests, we have considered short term internships for special projects. Our job shadowing program is limited to 8 students per year. We want to support young marketers as they consider their options, but we are picky about who we invest our time in. If you're interested, fill out the form below and we'll follow up with you!

Requirements for Job Shadowing:
Must be at least 16 years of age.
Must have a valid driver's license and be able to provide your own transportation.
Must have a parent sign off on your participation and communicate with your school about your absence on the day of job shadowing.
Must dress professionally and communicate well. You'll be representing us on the day you're job shadowing, so we're picky.
Apply to Job Shadow
Interested in job shadowing or discussing your future in the marketing industry? Fill out the form below to reach out to us and set up a time to talk. We look forward to meeting you!